South Korea Contacts database [2025-03-01]

Product Code: KOR1290001
Availability: In Stock
Companies count
E-mails count
Example (*.xlsx)

About country: 

South Korea occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula, which extends some 1,100 km (680 mi) from the Asian mainland. This mountainous peninsula is flanked by the Yellow Sea to the west, and the Sea of Japan to the east. Its southern tip lies on the Korea Strait and the East China Sea.

The country, including all its islands, lies between latitudes 33° and 39°N, and longitudes 124° and 130°E. Its total area is 100,032 square kilometres (38,622.57 sq mi).

Database stats (updated 2025-03-01): 

Field Count
Name 62'690
Address 62'690
Phone 62'667
Fax 59'583
Webpage 36'003
City 57'528
Activity 62'690
Province 58'501
E-mail 21'921
Reg. date 19'803
Number of employee 18'554
Postal code 8'002

Are the emails, specified in the databases, active?

We automatically check e-mail relevance each month and the system excludes any inactive ones from the database.

I have paid for the services, when will I receive the database?

The system will automatically generate database files after the payment is received and sends you a download link via email.

How old are the databases?

Open source internet data is updated each month.

Where are companies catalogues collected from?

Business catalogues are collected from publicly available sources (internet websites, search systems, catalogues of the companies and other). We collect data only of active companies – the companies that publish their data in internet. If the company publish false information about itself we are not responsible for this.